Côté Rivière
Traditional cuisine
The restaurant "Côté Rivière" welcomes you in a friendly atmosphere with pleasant setting and a lovely terrace by the river. Fireplace in winter. Market cuisine with fresh products.
Prices & Conditions
- Payment mode
- , Payment cards
- , Cheques and postal orders
- , Chèques Vacances
- , Cash
- , Ticket restaurant
- Pets accepted
- yes
Practical information
Equipments & Services
- Receiving groups
- yes
- Places
- , 55
- Places in terrace
- , 20
- Dining rooms
- , 1
- Culinary
- , European cooking
- , French regional cooking
- , Traditional cooking
- , Ice-creams
- , Fish / seafood
- , Tarts
- , Meat
- Chief name
- , David NOLAN
- Spoken languages
- , French
- , English
Our address
13 boulevard Coligny24310 BRANTOME EN PERIGORD
Mail :coteriviere@orange.fr
Phone :+33 5 53 46 60 30
GPS : 45.3652778, 0.64841734