

This exhibition highlights the figure of the Baroque magician and her enchantments, through a spectacular journey! Capable of imprisoning knights in their gardens of illusion, metamorphosing men or unleashing lightning bolts, sorceresses such as Circe, Alcina or Armide were a major figure in Baroque culture. Literary classics of the period, such as Ariosto?s Le Roland furieux (1532) and Tasse?s La Jérusalem délivrée (1581), highlight the mysterious role they played in ballets and courtly spectacles. With your family, discover these women who, in operas and court plays, were often the double of the set designer. The latter used prodigious machinery and scenic effects to bring magic to life on stage: transformation, disappearance, lighting effects.

Practical information

Opening dates & hours

  • Opening dates
    • , from 13/04/2024 to 03/11/2024

Equipments & Services

  • Main location
    • , Château de Puyguilhem
  • Type of event
    • , Cultural
  • Hiking Day
    • , no


Our address


GPS : 45.4278909, 0.74526693