Cluzeaux d'Argentine

Historic site and monument

Argentine - 24340 - LA ROCHEBEAUCOURT-ET-ARGENTINEView map


In the local language, the word “cluzeau” refers to a shelter dug or cut by man into the rock. The first signs of settlement on the site of Argentine, village built on a rocky spur overlooking the valley of the Nizonne, are believed to date from the Middle Ages. Staircase steps, shelves, grain silos were made into the western cave. The eastern cave houses a mysterious necropolis which was most certainly used as a cemetery for the lepers of a lazar house run in the beginning of the 18th century by the lord of La Rochebeaucourt.

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  • Pets accepted
    • yes

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Equipments & Services

  • Site and monuments theme
    • , Cave-dwelling village, site


Our address


GPS : 45.4732192, 0.37776352